Okay, so this is one Past participles chapter where you won’t have too many tables. Let’s see how this goes.
(Note: in both Parasmaipada and Atmanepada, the only suffix used is that of –vat).
श्रु → श्रुत → श्रुतवत् → अहं श्रुतवान्
śru → śruta → śrutavat → ahaṃ śrutavān
hear → heard (passive) → heard (active) → I am one-who-heard (more naturally, “I have heard.”)
Now that wwe have the noun “Shrutavat”, we can use it to make the sentence, “aham shrutavat”, which means “I have heard” or to put it more specifically, “I am the one who heard.”
So this is the way in which past participle works.