In the doubling class, in this the difference is not merely of stem formation but also the endings are different. However, in general, the endings may be similar to the complex verbs.
Some of them are only found in the Vedic texts, however, many of them are general, so many of the readers would be able to recognize them.
Rules for the doubling class.
ṛ and ṝ both turn into i.
भृ → बिभृ
bhṛ → bi
The stem is made in the following ways:
As for strong forms, the root is doubled and strengthened to the medium level. And for weak forms, the root is doubled. Look at the table given below to understand further.
hu (duplicating, P, present tense)
हु | Singular | Dual | Plural |
3rd Person | जुहोति juhoti | जुहुतः juhutaḥ | जुह्वति juhvati |
2nd Person | जुहोषि juhoṣi | जुहुथः juhuthaḥ | जुहुथ juhutha |
1st Person | जुहोमि juhomi | जुहुवः juhuvaḥ | जुहुमः juhumaḥ |
Given below is the difference between the class that doubled and the other complex verb class
Verb form | Parasmaepada | Atmanepada |
Present tense | -anti becomes -ati | None |
Ordinary present tense | -an becomes -uḥ. If the verb ends in a vowel, then the strong stem is used. | None |
Command mood | -antu becomes -atu. -hi becomes -dhi. | None |
Option mood. | none | None |
Present participle. | Only the weak stem is used. | None |
There is an exception as far as present participle is concerned, we get a strong stem by removing “i” from the third person plural in the present tense. When we talk about roots in doubling class, we get “at”.
The two irregular verbs in the Sanskrit language are “da” meaning give and Dha meaning place or put. Details regarding each is given below.
The table given below shows information regarding “da”.
Situation | Verb Form |
Strong stem | dadā |
Weak stem | dad |
PPP | datta |
Look at the sentences given below to learn the application of these words in sentences.
दिव्यं ददामि ते चक्षुः
divyaṃ dadāmi te cakṣuḥ
I give to you a divine eye.Bhagavad Gita 11.8
Look at the table given below:
Situation | Verb form |
Strong stem | dadhā |
Weak stem | dadh |
PPP | hita |
End of compound | dhi, dha |
Command mood, 2nd sg. | dhehi |
Gerund (-tva) | hitvā |
Gerung (-ya) | dhāya |
“Given by God”; the name of Arjuna’s conch shell.
Look at the table given below:
“set together”;
the sandhi-affected mantra portion of the Vedas