Introduction Of  The Intensive

Intensive refers to something that we do intensely.

Intensive words are not easily found in the later Sanskrit, but they can be formed as well as understood.

Formation of Intensive Root:

An intensive root is used for the formation of the intensive verb. Verb root is doubled, however, in this case, the vowel is strengthened in the doubled root.

 Special doubling roots for the intensive.

a becomes ā, however, if the root ends with am, the aṃ replaces the vowel. Look at the examples given below:

क्रम् → चंक्रम्
kram → caṃkram

नी → नेनी
nī → nenī

तप् → तातप्
tap → tātap

Roots ending in ṛ use the root itself as the doubled sound. Roots are doubled and are separated from each other with a ī.


दृश् → दरीदृश्
dṛś → darīdṛś

मृ → मरीमृ
mṛ → marīmṛ

Using the Intensive root.

The root is used as the Passive verb. They behave in the same way –ya class atmanepada verb, the end of the verb also changes like passive verbs.

गै → जेगै → जेगीयते
gai → jegai → jegīyate

sing → frequently sing → It sings repeatedly.

Special Meanings.

Often, the term “with difficulty”  is implied in a similar manner as “intensive”.

लुप् → लोलुप्यते
lup → lolupyate
cut → He cuts awkwardly.

सद् → सासद्यते
sad → sāsadyate
fall → He falls badly

Rare exceptions: Roots belonging to  –aya class and beginning with vowels do not form intensive verbs.