The last of the four pronouns of this section is adas, quite naturally you must be unfamiliar with this word as we have not encountered it yet in our course. It is for the first time that we are going to learn about this pronoun. One thing to note about Sanskrit pronoun is that its usage depends on the distance between the speaker and the object.  Let us see where do all the pronouns fall in that aspect;

 एतद् → इदम् → अदस् → तद्

etad → idam → adas → tad

This (right near us) → this (close at hand) → that (within sight) → that (remote)

Now let us see the endings of adas

adas (masculine)

अदस् Singular Dual Plural
Case 1 (Subject) असौ asau

अमू amū

अमी amī
Case 2 (object) अमुम् amum

अमू amū

अमून् amūn
Case 3 ("with") अमुना amunā

अमूभ्याम् amūbhyām
अमीभिः amībhiḥ
Case 4 ("for") अमुष्मै amuṣmai

अमूभ्याम् amūbhyām
अमीभ्यः amībhyaḥ

Case 5 ("from") अमुष्मात् amuṣmāt
अमीभ्यः amībhyaḥ
अमीभ्यः amībhyaḥ
Case 6 ("of") अमुयोः amuyoḥ

अमीषाम् amīṣām

अमीषाम् amīṣām

Case 7 ("in") अमुयोः amuyoḥ

अमीषु amīṣu

अमीषु amīṣu

adas (feminine)

अदस् Singular Dual Plural
Case 1 (Subject) असौ asau

अमू amū

अमूः amūḥ
Case 2 (object) अमुम् amum

अमू amū

अमूः amūḥ

Case 3 ("with") अमुया amuyā

अमूभ्याम् amūbhyām
अमूभिः amūbhiḥ

Case 4 ("for") अमुष्मै amuṣmai

अमूभ्याम् amūbhyām
अमूभ्यः amūbhyaḥ

Case 5 ("from") अमुष्याः amuṣyāḥ
अमीभ्यः amībhyaḥ
अमूभ्यः amūbhyaḥ

Case 6 ("of") अमुष्याः amuṣyāḥ

अमुयोः amuyoḥ

अमूभ्यः amūbhyaḥ

Case 7 ("in")अमुष्याम् amuṣyām

अमुयोः amuyoḥ

अमूषु amūṣu

adas (neuter)

अदस् Singular Dual Plural
Case 1 (Subject) अदः adaḥ

अमू amū

अमूनि amūni

Case 2 (object) अमू amū

अमू amū

अमूनि amūni


The case 1 masculine plural  ami does not have any change

अमी अश्वाः
amī aśvāḥ
Those horses