Category: More pronouns




  1. Introduction of Sanskrit language
  2. Sounds
    1. Vowels
      1. Simple Vowels
      2. Compound Vowels (+e)
    2. Consonants
      1. Stops and Nasals
      2. Voice and Aspiration
      3. Other Consonants (+e)
      4. Anusvara and Visarga
      5. Combinations
    3. Syllables
    4. Reading
    5. Review
  3. Starting Out
    1. Sanskrit Verb
      1. Present Tense Verbs (+e)
      2.  Verb Roots and Classes (+e)
      3. Parasmaipada and atmanepada(+e)
    2. Sanskrit Nouns
      1. Nouns Cases (+e)
      2. An Introduction to Sandhi (+e)
      3. Verbless Sentences (+e)
      4. Sanskrit Pronouns(+e)
      5. Case 2: The Object (+e)
      6. Adjectives (+e)
      7. Case 8: Direct Address (+e)
      8. Neuter Nouns (+e)
      9. Case 6: “of” (+e)
      10. The Other Cases (+e)
    3. Making Words
      1. Verb Prefixes (+e)
      2. Primary Suffixes (+e)
      3. Secondary Suffixes (+e)
      4. Compound Words(+e)
      5. “Not” and “With” (+e)
    4. Uninflected Words
      1. Adverbs (+e)
      2. Conjunctional Words (+e)
      3. Adding Emphasis (+e)
      4. iti and iva (+e)
    5. Gerunds and “Real” Roots
      1. Regular Roots (+e)
      2. Gerunds (+e)
      3. Samprasarana (+e)
      4. Roots like nind and jiv (+e)
    6. Reading
    7. Review
  4. Nouns
    1. The PPP
      1. Case 3: “with” (+e)
      2. Passive Verbs (+e)
      3. The Ordinary Future Tense (+e)
      4. The PPP (+e)
      5. Vowel Stems, Part 1 (+e)
    2. Other Compounds
      1. The dvandva (+e)
      2. Relative Clauses (+e)
      3. The avyayibhava (+e)
      4. The bahuvrihi (+e)
    3. Three Cases
      1. Verb Bits (+e)
      2. Case 4: “for” (+e)
      3. Case 5: “from” (+e)
      4. Case 7: “in” (+e)
    4. Consonant Stems
      1. One-Stem Nouns (+e)
      2. Two-Stem Nouns (+e)
      3. Three-Stem Nouns (+e)
    5. More Pronouns
      1. Short Pronouns, etad, and ena (+e)
      2. Pronominal Adjectives (+e)
      3. Asking Questions (+e)
      4. Pronoun Bits: “इदम्”(+e)
    6. Reading
      1. Panchatantra
      2. Bhagavad Gita
    7. Review
  5. Verbs
    1. Derived Verbs
      1. The -aya Class (+e)
      2. Causal Verbs (+e)
      3. Verbs From Nouns (+e)
      4. Noun Prefixes (+e)
    2. Other Participles
      1. Present Participles (+e)
      2. Future Participles (+e)
      3. Past Participles (+e)
    3. Verb Classes
      1. Complex Classes (+e)
      2. The Ordinary Past Tense (+e)
      3. The Option Mood (+e)
      4. The Command Mood (+e)
    4. Vowel Nouns, Part 2
      1. -a, -i, and -u Nouns (+e)
      2.  -i and -u Nouns (+e)
      3.  -tr suffix (+e)
    5. Verb Roots
      1. Infinitives (+e)
      2. Conditional Verbs (+e)
      3. The Distant Future Tense (+e)
    6. Doubling
      1. General Rules (+e)
      2. Doubling Class (+e)
      3. The Desiderative (+e)
      4. The Intensive
      5. Distant Past Tense Verbs
      6. Distant Past Tense 2: Irregular Verbs
      7. Distant Past Tense 3: vid and ah
  6. Odds and Ends
    1.  Verbs and Participles
      1. Three Missing Endings (+e)
      2. The Recent Past Tense (+e)
      3. The Benedictive (+e)
      4. Perfect Participles (+e)
      5. Separable Verb Prefixes
    2. Sounds
      1. vedic acent (+e)
      2. Vedic Accent (+e)
    3. Nouns
      1. -ai, -o, and -au Nouns (+e)
      2.  idam (+e)
      3. adas (+e)
    4.  Numbers
      1. Sanskrit counting 1 to 100 (+e)
      2. First and Second
      3. Sanskrit Numbers
      4. Big Numbers in Sanskrit
    5. Reading: The Purusha Sukta

6 References
6.1 Lists
6.1.1 Grammatical Terms
6.1.2 Prefixes
6.1.3 Primary Suffixes
6.1.4 Secondary Suffixes
6.1.5 Vocabulary
6.2 Devanagari
6.2.1 Letters and Vowel Marks
6.2.2 Numbers in Devanagari
6.2.3 Conjunct Consonants
6.2.4 Basic Vedic Devanagari
6.2.5 Old Devanagari
6.3 Nouns
6.3.1 Vowel Nouns
6.3.2 Consonant Nouns
6.3.3 Pronouns
6.4 Verbs
6.4.1 Simple Verb Classes
6.4.2 Complex Verb Classes
6.5 Sandhi
6.5.1 Vowel Sandhi
6.5.2 Internal Consonant Sandhi
6.5.3 External Consonant Sandhi
6.5.4 Visarga Sandhi

