In this article, we deal with the inclusion of time in a Sanskrit conversation. The conversation is taking place between a pair of siblings. We also need to look at the choice of words and their respective meanings in such sentences. We shall refer all this from the four sentences in the following table.
Speaker | Sentence in English. | Sentence in Sanskrit. | Meanings of words used when stating the time. |
me | What’s the time now? | Edaaneem khaha samayaha? | Edaaneem means now, khaha means what, samayaha means time. |
brother | Its 11:15. Alex is coming around 12 o clock. | Sapaada ekadaashavaadanam. Alexaha dvaadashavaadane aggachati. | Saapade means right now, ekadaashavaadanam means 11:15, alexaha refers to Alex, use of aha to indicate masculine pronoun, dvaadashvadane means 12 o clock and aggachati means will come. |
me | Do you know when he is leaving? | Sahaa kadaa gachchati eti bhavaan jaanaati vaa? | Sahaa means he, kadaa means when, gachchati means go, bhavaan means you, janaati means know, janaati ve means you know. |
brother | I think he leaves around 1:45 pm. Because he has his train around 2:30 pm. | prayaaha paadonadvivaadane saha gachchati. Kimaarthamityukte saardha dvivadane tasya dhoomashaakatyaanam asti | Prayaaha means might, paadonadvivaadane means 1:45, saha means he gachchati means goes, Kimaarthamityukte means because, saardha dvivadane means 2:30, tasya means his, dhoomashaakatyaanam means vehicle and asti means is. |
These are a few examples of how sentences are formed and understood when it comes to inquiring and stating time in Sanskrit language.