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Voice and Aspiration

The soft palate consonants: 

In order to produce this sound, you need to stop the air at the soft palate, and in order to do that, we use the base of the tongue.

k    as in kill   “ka”

na   as in lung “na”

The hard palate :

In order to produce the sounds of such consonants, you need to stop the air at the hard palate and in order to stop the air; we need to use the middle of the tongue.

Ca   as in chose     “cha”

na   as in night     “na”

Retroflex Consonants:

To produce the retroflex consonants, we stop the air behind the bony bump on the roof of the mouth. To stop the air, we use the tip of the tongue. Again, none of these sounds appear in English.

“ta” and “na”

Tooth Consonants:

In order to produce the sounds of such consonants, you need to stop the air at the base of the top row of teeth and to do that we use the tip of the tongue.

ta   in thumb   “tha”

na    in now       “na”

Lip Consonants:

To produce these consonants, we stop the air with the lips. We don’t use the tongue at all!

“Pa”     as p in spill

“Ma”    as m in mail

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